
Otok Santorini

Otok Santorini, Grčija – pravi dragulj oziroma biser v Egejskem morju.

Vetrna energija in nje tegobe

Vetrna energija, pravijo, obeta veliko. Pa je res tako? Morda, a v večini primerov se izkaže, da bolj ne.

V Kanadi, deželi s tradicijo demokracije, so na širnih prostranstvih v Ontariu postavili cela polja behemotov oziroma vetrnic za pridobivanje električne energije. [node:read-more:link]

Prevare na FB tržnici; blago vam bo plačal DPD? Ja, seveda :)

Če prodajate izdelke na facebookovi tržnici, angleško imenovani Facebook Marketplace, ste morda že naleteli na nepridiprave, ki vam javijo, da bo blago prevzela dostavna služba DPD, ki vam bo v imenu kupca tudi plačala izdelek ali izdelke, ki ga/jih prodajate. Ja, Facebook je poln prevar, goljufij in še kakšnih drugih nečednosti, tako med malimi oglasi in drugje. Dejansko se prevare skrivajo na vsakem koraku, zato je potrebna previdnost. [node:read-more:link]

InDesign CC: placed text missing hyphens (and possibly other special charsacters, too)

InDesign is great and versatile but sometimes there are issues which make one scratch the head for quite some time and afterwards come up with a working solution.

Recently I've started another book project and after placing word files I discovered, that some special characters were missing, soft hyphens, for instance were not imported into InDesign.

But as it turns out, it is not InDesign causing this, it's Word and its file formats. [node:read-more:link]

Mozilla Thunderbird IMAP quota

Did you know that Mozilla Thunderbird IMAP quota can be displayed at the time at the bottom of Thunderbird's window?

Basically this functionality is built into Thunderbird but the quota is only displayed when IMAP space usage reaches 75% or more.

You can adjust the percentage value by going to about:config (warning, here be dragons) and changing a setting there to a desired percentage. [node:read-more:link]

Ingver deluje na corona (korona) virus covid-19

Ingver deluje na korona virus – preprosta preventiva in kurativa, dr. Torsunov

Ruski učenjak in zdravnik Oleg Torsunov je dal nekaj nasvetov pred množico 600 poslušalcev, kako se zaščititi pred korona virusom (SARS-CoV-2). Povzetek je z najnovejšega predavanja, ki je bilo 17. 3. 2020 v ruskem milijonskem mestu Omsk. [node:read-more:link]

Adobe PDFMaker output from Word - some graphs missing

Microsoft Word is great text processing software but sometimes problems occur while doing simple everyday tasks, keeping users puzzled what went wrong and how to correct it. My latest troubleshooting session began when I noticed that outputting a Word (docx) file into a PDF using the PDFMaker plugin for Word, this plugin comes with Acrobat Pro X, would not output all of the images included in the original document. [node:read-more:link]

Špricanje šole za ustavitev okoljske krize; protestirajo Greta Thunberg in študenti po svetu

Če želiš doseči spremembe, se mora zgoditi protest.

Včasih ali bolje rečeno nikoli za dosego sprememb ni dovolj le pisati po Facebooku, Twitterju in drugih družabnih omrežjih. Treba je stopiti na ulice in protestirati.

To je storila tudi Greta Thunberg, ki je začela odprto govoriti o tem, da je na planetu Zemlja prišlo do okoljske Krize, ne le do globalnega segrevanja. [node:read-more:link]

Windows 10 Erratic Mouse Movement, Mouse Lags -- The Solution

I love Windows 10, its features, speed, ease of use, simplicity, stability, versatility, etc. But sometimes there are some issues, some problems that could literally make you go mad, like the erratic mouse movement.

For me one of those issues was the erratic mouse movement and lags with high processor activity -- around 100%. In these cases the cursor started jumping up and down, left and right, and I simply had to wait for this to be over. Try doing serious mouse-related work on such a computer. [node:read-more:link]


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